Monday, April 14, 2014


I love to garden: mostly flowers and herbs. For some reason I have not had success with daises which is pitiful because they are really wild flowers and should grow like weeds. This year will try again and hope for the best.

I remember as a child seeing fields of wild flowers including daisies. What a beautiful sight.

Here is a painting I did of daisies. They were store bought! Sigh...

Daisies - Pastel on paper 9 1/2 x 7 1/2

Finally, spring is here. After this long, hard winter we see green! I planted some daffodils and tulips last fall and just can't wait for them to come up.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fallen Tree

Here is a Plein air pastel that I did many years ago. I do like it a lot since it was done very quickly with minimal touch-ups after bringing it back to my studio. I get frustrated if my paintings get overworked.

Fallen Tree Pastel on Canson paper 17 1/2 x 23 1/2
I love going out on a beautiful day and making myself comfortable to spend a couple of hours sketching or painting. Pastels or pastel pencils are easy mediums to take along on such a trek.

I'm looking forward to some nice weather (after this long, cold winter) to get out to sketch and paint. I know that there are hardy artists who will paint outdoors in the cold weather and snow but, alas, I'm not one of them. I do wish I could.